Actual photo of the Ides of March rally – before ten feet of snow fell – copyright Frodo
The Moorcock Inn, March 1979, Salford Centurion's MCC
Photo of me, centre, wearing some of the rally badges from the day, probably about 1979
Another of me, left, on the same day
Aire Valley MCC Ride to Masham My red Suzuki GS750 can be seen rear left of the bikes in the photo
Two of the lads at the Ides of March Rally, February 1979
At the Ides of March rally
A few of the lads, estimated 1979
Camping, Isle of Man, estimated 1979
Antics on a CB125 bike estimated 1978
Camping again, estimated 1978
Aire Valley MCC trip to Isle of Man, note the bikes from this era estimated 1979
Having a laugh, I am in the middle of the group of three, my huge tent, nicknamed the marquee is to the right, estimated 1978
Cracking old BSA in this one, Hartlepool Rally (Monkey Hangers MCC) 1978
Watermill Inn Pateley Bridge approx. 1978
Drinking more beer approx 1978
I am third from the left here estimated 1978
location unknown estimated 1978
Isle of Man in 1979
Two of the lads estimated 1979
Brontosaurus bike rally Northamptonshire Grand Canal, 1978, Leicester Phoenix MCC
The Milk Bar, Sherburn estimated 1978
Teddy Riding a BSA
Creg-Ny-Bar Hotel Isle of Man 1979
Just setting off approx 1979
Bean sandwich anyone! - Dwyle Funkers (Sheepshaggers) rally 1979
Author new bike and setting off to Monkey Hangers rally 1978
George and dragon inn, Much Wenlock 1979
Author at George and dragon inn, Much Wenlock 1979
The Wendy house, first outing at George and dragon inn, Much Wenlock 1979
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